EU projects

S-Play project

S-Play LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Learning for SMEs” is a 2-years project (2013-2015) that was funded by the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Program – Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of innovation. Aim of the project was to adapt LSP to the requirements of SME (small and medium enterprises). In particular the project had the following objectives:


  • To adapt the LSP method and LLED guidelines to the needs of SME
  • To raise awareness and popularize LSP method among VET organizations and trainers, business support organizations, associations of enterprises, etc.
  • To raise awareness of SME for the need to increase competencies of owners and staff that could be done by innovative and attractive approaches (LSP)

S-Play project

S-Play LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Learning for SMEs” is a 2-years project (2013-2015) that was funded by the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Program – Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of innovation. Aim of the project was to adapt LSP to the requirements of SME (small and medium enterprises). In particular the project had the following objectives:


  • To adapt the LSP method and LLED guidelines to the needs of SME
  • To raise awareness and popularize LSP method among VET organizations and trainers, business support organizations, associations of enterprises, etc.
  • To raise awareness of SME for the need to increase competencies of owners and staff that could be done by innovative and attractive approaches (LSP)

Competence in practice project

“Competence in practice. Modern forms of SMEs employee development” is an European project, funded in 2014 under the Human Capital Operational Programme.

The main aim of the project was to improve the qualification of employees in Polish small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of personal competencies, project and process management through training.

Competence in practice project

“Competence in practice. Modern forms of SMEs employee development” is an European project, funded in 2014 under the Human Capital Operational Programme.

The main aim of the project was to improve the qualification of employees in Polish small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of personal competencies, project and process management through training.